Nov 26, 2017
Season 2 Episode 25 “Scandalous”
This week on Radio Free Endor we take a look all the runtimes of the star wars movies and with the news that Disney reveals plan for new Star Wars trilogy and live-action TV series also did Bob Iger get involved in the EA Scandal with their pay to play loot creates in Star Wars Battlefront 2? Plus a great interview with the new Darth Vader Spencer Wilding.
00:00 RFE Intro “Happy
03:01 Welcomes and hellos
04:50 News, movie runtimes,
08:04 The last Jedi tv spot and the new trilogy
48:30 Star Wars News with what The Last Jedi will make and the trailer
23:27 Music: Star Wars The Last Jedi - TV Spot Music - We Shall Destroy You
With a two TV spots
28:30 EA being Scandalous with Loot creates and Star Wars Battlefront 2
46:02 Star Tours with Mark Hamill
50:20 Spencer Wilding Q&A at Ultracon
68:29 End of the Show
74:40 Bonus Bit, Spencer roundhouse
If you want to have a say about anything Star Wars then drop us an email or record a voicemail on your phone or pc, it can be as long as you want but under five mins would be great and send them to us
Mark Hamill's Disneyland Star Tours Surprise
Leo Camacho on Star Tours with Mark Hamill
Brand New Tee shirts available at Tee Public
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