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May 23, 2019

This month I was all set up to do an episode 9 trailer break down that I’ve recorded with Jason Christman. However, we got sad news that actor Peter Mayhew who played the original Chewbacca has passed away so I'm going to hold it until the next episode.

So Fantha Tracks very own Mark Newbold came alone to talk about peter and his life in and out of star wars and we do get to chat about his time as the host on the podcast stage at celebrations. Also in this episode, we go back to the 80s to kids show “No.73” with an interview they did with Peter Mayhew for Return of the Jedi.

In addition, we dive into with some star wars news, so what you waiting for let’s go.


As a side note, I had some problems with my audio, which should be sorted for the next podcast


00:00Intro “remembering Peter Mayhew”

02:57 Welcomes and hellos.

03:30 Star Wars News

06:05 Peter Mayhew interview on No.73

10:40 Fantha Tracks Mark Newbold

27:30 Star Wars Celebrations with Mark Newbold

50:57 End of the Show

54:09 Bonus Bit “bloopers”


If you want to have a say about anything Star Wars or the podcast then drop us an email or record a voicemail on your phone or pc, it can be as long as you want send them to us


Also if you would like to support the show the please head over to my patreon page.



No. 73: Series 3: Show 4 with Peter Mayhew



Mark Newbold @Prefect_Timing

@fanthatracks @STTNZ @SW_Insider

@StarTrekMag @Starburst_mag



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