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Dec 22, 2021

Welcome to episode 73 of Radio Free Endor, Merry Christmas everyone and today’s episode is our best of the Christmas intros from passed years, this takes me back hearing Paul and my son Nicholas when he was just 6 (hes 13 now.. lol) so enjoy this episode and i will see you very soon for the Book of Boba Fett

00:00 A Night before a Endor Christmas

09:20 The Endor Express

25:30 Krampus Comes to Endor

43:30 End of the Show

44:23 Bonus Bit: Silent Night By Chewbacca

Big Thank you to

Simon Wilkie, Nicholas Burns, Niki Burns,

and my old pal, Paul Stickly

If you want to have a say about anything Star Wars or the podcast then drop us an email or record a voicemail on your phone or pc, it can be as long as you want send them to us at



Our website

The Book of Boba Fett | Official Trailer | Disney+

We are also one Discord, so join us for a live discussion

Also if you would like to support the show the please head over to my Patreon page.

Radio Free Endor on YouTube

Brand New Tee shirts available at Tee Public




Christopher Burns

